
Governance Systems

The Wellbeing Intelligence Network is driven by a desire to direct resources to maximise wellbeing, at scale. To ensure the people represented in insights shared across the WIN are protected through the measurement journey and beyond, we operate under a strict governance process.

Assurance Council

To ensure evidence produced by the Wellbeing Intelligence Network continues to be developed with scientific, cultural and ethical integrity, The WIN Assurance Council is made up of independent authorities across these three disciplines. The role of the Assurance Council is to maintain The WIN Standard and ensure all research is conducted in accordance with the principles. Recognising that the measurement of Wellbeing continues to evolve, the role of the WIN Assurance Council is also to propose and assess developments to the Standard.

Ethics Review Board

Social impact measurement is an emerging field that sits between continuous internal improvement and research. As such, social impact measurement projects do not fit clearly under existing industry standards for ethical review procedures.

For some sectors, there are relevant ethical review bodies that will accept a submission for social impact measurement projects, such as the Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) Ethics Review Board, or the Australian Research Council’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). However, for many projects there are no appropriate entities.

To ensure that the Wellbeing Intelligence Network’s impact measurement projects ‘do no harm’ and the integrity of our work is maintained, each project is reviewed by the  Huber Social Ethical Review Board (ERB). The Huber Social ERB is a registered Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) with the NHMRC, created specifically to address the gap in existing standards for ethical review procedures.  Our ethics review procedure complies with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018 and the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2018.

Board of Directors

Georgina Camp

Brett Nan Tie